

Universities get tough on ESL
Milanda Rout | December 19, 2007 

INTERNATIONAL students, Aborigines and newly arrived migrants face tougher English language requirements to get into Victorian universities after institutions complained they were not performing as well as local students.


The Victorian Tertiary Admissions 
Centre has allowed universities to raise the entrance scores required for students who have completed English as a second language instead of English in their final year of school. 

Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre已准許大學對在最後一年在校期間完成英語課程的學生(英語為第二語言者)提高入學許可的成績的要求。

Secondary school students who have been in an English-speaking country less than seven years, are here studying from another country or Aborigines whose first language is not English are entitled to study ESL, which was previously worth the same marks as English. 


But under the changes to start in 2009, ESL students will have to get five points higher than students studying English to meet university entrance requirements. 


The move came as Swinburne University decided to test the English language skills of incoming international and domestic students. Those who perform badly will be required to undertake extra English classes as part of their undergraduate degree. 

Swinburne University 已要求測試已進來的國際學生、國內學生做英語技能測試。對於成績表現不好者將會被要求在報讀大學時要增加額外的英語課程。

The University of Melbourne, the Australian Maritime College, Monash, La Trobe and Deakin universities have indicated they will increase ESL scores for course selection, making it five points higher than the minimum score needed for English. 

University of Melbourne ﹝墨爾本大學﹞、Australian Maritime College﹝馬丁學院?﹞、Monash University﹝莫纳什大學﹞、La Trobe University ﹝La Trobe大學﹞及 Deakin University﹝迪肯大學﹞指出他們將會在選擇課程部分提高ESL成績,成績要求將會比英語成績的要求較高五分。

But RMIT University, Victoria University and the University of Ballarat have decided against the increase for 2009 entry and Swinburne University is waiting for the results of its new English testing project before deciding whether to raise ESL scores. 

但是 RMIT University﹝墨爾本皇家理工大學﹞、 Victoria University ﹝維多利亞大學﹞及University of Ballarat ﹝巴拉瑞大學﹞已決定不提高2009年入學成績的要求。Swinburne University則還在等待新的英語成績測試計畫的成果再決定是否提高ESL成績要求。

Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre director Elaine Wenn told the HES VTAC did a review of VCE English and ESL scores after requests from universities. 

Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre director Elaine Wenn說HES VTAC在部分大學要求下檢閱VCE﹝註二﹞英語跟ESL英語成績。

She said institutions had done their own research and discovered ESL students often could not compete with local students who had studied English. "They found that students entering university with ESL were not doing as well, some even had a higher rate of failure than the students who had the same study scores in English," Ms Wenn said. 


She said the VTAC study compared five years worth of VCE English and ESL results with general aptitude tests taken by the students. The research found there was a difference in the way the English and ESL students performed on aptitude tests. 

她指出VTAC並比較VCE English五年價值 與ESL的測試?這個研究發現在英語學習的表現跟ESL 學生的測試確實有差異。

"It was telling us that a higher score was required for ESL to get the same score in English," Ms Wenn said. 

Ms Wenn指出這個研究報告告訴我們,必須要提高ESL的分數要求。其英語成才會等同一般在secondary school求學的學生。

"We are just trying to be fair," La Trobe University admissions and selection chairman Peter Stacey said. He said the aim was to establish equivalent standards.

La Trobe University 的admissions and selection 主席Peter Stacey表示"我們只是試著公平一點"。他指出這個目標是建立一個同等的標準

Monash University demographer Bob Birrell backed the move, saying there was strong anecdotal evidence international students with poor English skills enrolled in Australian high schools as a way of getting into university. 

Monash University﹝莫纳什大學﹞的人口統計學家Bob Birrell支持這一動議,稱有強而有力的證據國際學生英語水平差註冊就讀澳洲高中如同是另一個方式進入大學。









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