現在的我還是在漢堡店打工,因為閒閒沒事做在漢堡店站個三小時薪水也不錯,幹嘛不做呢﹖開始打工的第一個月幾乎都是跟JOE搭擋,還是需要老鳥帶菜鳥。一個月後跟其他『小弟弟』搭!19 歲那個準備升大二,做起事來比老闆還認真,每個細節都很小心,從下單到煮東西﹑包漢堡﹑炸東西到清理,每個步驟都講究!跟他搭時就真的是在『搭擋』三個小時下來就沒那麼累。


那天喝酒喝到暢快,喝酒喝到一半葵的越南前同事問我:「when are you going to tie the knot? 」本來很的很開心的我突然愣住了接著狂笑回他:「那你應該去問後面那位老人吧!」越南同事以為問題出在葵所以急忙把我拉到一旁並對我說:「他不提你可以提啊!最好是在二月二十九提!」我聽了一頭霧水,一是為甚麼要提﹖二是為甚麼要在二月二十九提﹖越南同事解釋後我還是存懷疑的態度不相信他,急的他拉著另一個ABC的女同事要她作證他剛剛最我說的都是真的!


所以問葵:「what day is today?」
葵回:「it's Wednesday. why?」
我問:「what date is today?」
我又問:「what date is Friday?」
葵:「1 March.」
我:「錯!Its 29 February! heheheh」﹝我當時還邊講邊狂笑說

我跟葵老爺講上次他朋友跟我說的29號的事,邊講還邊狂笑著說:「I am going to make a list of things I want.」



後來見我不相信,就說最近太多負債。嗟!我又沒說list上的東西一定要今年買﹝其實是要list甚麼都不知道,小錢我自己還有。大的我也不會要他買﹞。所以負債這個藉口還是不管用,29號那天我還是要如法炮製的make a request.



Although the modern calendar counts a year as 365 days, a complete revolution around the sun takes approximately 365 days and 6 hours. Every four years, an extra twenty-four hours have accumulated, so one extra day is added to that calendar to keep the count coordinated with the sun's apparent position.

A century year, which ends in two zeros, is not a leap year unless it is also evenly divisible by 400. This means that 1600 and 2000 were leap years, and 2400 and 2800 will also be, 1800 and 1900 were not, and the years 2100 and 2200 will not be leap years. To correct a slight inaccuracy that remains (it isn't exactly six hours extra), it has been proposed that years evenly divisible by 4,000 should not be leap years; but this rule has not been officially adopted.

A leap day is more likely to fall on a Monday than on a Sunday. This is because the Gregorian calendar repeats itself every 400 years, which is exactly 20871 weeks including 97 leap days. Over this period February 29 falls thirteen times on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday; fourteen times on a Friday or Saturday; and fifteen times on a Monday or Wednesday.

The concepts of the leap year and leap day are distinct from the
leap second, which results from changes in the Earth's rotational speed.

he leap day was introduced as part of the Julian reform. The day following the Terminalia (23 February) was doubled, forming the so-called "bis sextum". The first day of the bis sextum (February 24) came to be regarded as the intercalated or "bissextile" day. February 29 came to be regarded as the leap day when the Roman system of numbering days was replaced by sequential numbering in the late Middle Ages.

An English law of
1256 decreed that in leap years, the leap day and the day before are to be reckoned as one day for the purpose of calculating when a full year has passed. Thus, in England and Wales a person born on February 29 legally reaches the age of 18 or 21 on February 28 of the relevant year. In the European Union, February 29 officially became the leap day only in 2000.

There is a tradition that women may make a
proposal of marriage to men only in leap years, further restricted in some cases to only February 29. There is a tradition that in 1288 the Scottish parliament under Queen Margaret legislated that any woman could propose in Leap Year; few parliament records of that time exist, and none concern February 29.[1] Another component of this tradition was that if the man rejects the proposal, he should soften the blow by providing a kiss, one pound currency, and a pair of gloves (some later sources say a silk gown). There were similar notions in France and Switzerland.

In France, there is a humorous periodical called La Bougie du Sapeur (The Sapper's Candle) published every February 29 since 1980. The name is a reference to the sapper Camembert. The eighth issue will be published in 2008.


看來那天好像是女生跟男生求婚only。>"< ﹝請看粗體字


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