I am not quite sure whether i would get comestic surgery in the future.. but i definitely know that i won't get it done in next couple years.. cos it hurts!

i was speaking to 葵 today about one of my family member who just recently got the surgery done .. it looks really shock.. well well don't misundersatnd on what i am saying...
the surgery was fine. nothing worng, however, cos it will take some time to get recover.. so well.. it's just looks scaring to me..

in addition, none of the family member know that she wants to get the surgery done.. so that's why it's a shocking..

well, in my point of view, i would say that to get comestic surgery done was not a bad thing. as long as she is happy and not too dangerous .. that's fine. not a big deal..

but just hope she won't regret later on


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