
大學時很愛去山下一間cafe裡買他們家的chocolate mud cake吃,蛋糕配上奶油跟ice cream還有一杯好咖啡,一整個享受。念書念到很煩或是做報告做到沒靈感不知該怎麼繼續時,蛋糕配咖啡一就是救命丹。

不過那時候雖愛偶爾來片chocolate mud cake 解憂鬱,可是卻不愛做。



但是上次做過flourless chocolate cake後,這幾天又心血來潮, 想試試自己做mud cake.!!

網路上的食譜google了一下,Triple Chocolate mud cake的食譜試試

4/10 晚上做的蛋糕(下圖), 因為上次照著食譜的量加入所要求的butter結果蛋糕好吃歸好吃, 但是好haevy, 吃太多胃會沒辦法承受。




不過蛋糕還是好吃,不是太甜但是有濃濃的巧克力香。口感還算是可以,只是沒像mud cake一樣綿密。

然後隔天又手癢不服輸, 再做了一次.....

這次是帶點咖啡味的chocolate mud cake, 所需的材料跟食譜要求的大同小異。


caster sugar換成brown sugar


cocoa power沒放但是放了2小匙的instant coffe還有15g的brown sugar....

或許是因為奶油量調增, 蛋糕烤完後一整個澎鬆不再像前一個一樣那麼的紮實


不過問題來了, 蛋糕做那麼多(2大塊)....我看還是得分出去一點, 可不想看到蛋糕放在冰箱放那麼久....


左邊是昨晚做的, 右邊是今天下午做的, 奶油量加多蛋糕也比較澎鬆
from the left to right, it's chocolate mud cake made last night and chocolate & coffee mud cake made this afternoon. due to i have put more butter in the second one, the result was quite good as you could see as above.

I remember when I was in uni, I loved to take time off from my studies and sneak out to a café in downtown, just for a nice chocolate mud cake. Having a beautiful mud cake, side with cream and ice cream as well as a good coffee was the most enjoyable things happened in a busy afternoon. If I ran out of the ideas or got sick of studies, the only thing that can make me relax was having a yummy mud cake and coffee.

Even though I loved mud cake that time, I never had interest in making that..

I would always make cheesecake or some biscuits instead, but not mud cake or any other cakes that made by flour, also it would be easier to get it from the shop.

now, when I look back, I never really like the western sweets, something like donut or anything that contents too much sugar, I am not a big fan with sugary stuffs.

However, since made the flourless chocolate cake last time, I found it's fun and interesting to making my own cake. Therefore, I had been googling the cake recipe in last couple days. Finally, I found this" Triple Chocolate mud cake.

The picture below is the cake that I made on Friday night (10 April), because of the previous experience; I cut off the butter usage, instead of 200g, I only 50. As a result, this cake is a bit dry and not soft enough, but still nice......

This cake smells like full of chocolate but not too sweet, but not as good as it supposed to be.

The next day, I adjusted a bit with the recipe and made another cake. This is more like a chocolate & coffee mud cake

The ingredients which I had changed are listed as below:

Instead of caster sugar, I used brown sugar

150g butter instead of 200g butter,

2 teaspoon of instant coffee and 15g brown sugar instead of 30g coca powder.

I am not sure whether it's because of the butter or other reasons, the second cake looks more like the mud cake than the first one, also it;'s soften than the first one too.

However, there is a problem, I made too many cakes.. how am I going to finish that, I will have to share out with my friends though..............

    創作者 櫻桃 的頭像

    【In Oz】

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