Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


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年初回來前, 老媽去了澳洲一趟...一來是觀光旅遊..二來是盯著我乖乖的上飛機???
 那一次的行程短短的八天, 要走遍Sydney, Melb & Brisbane這澳洲的三大城市..
其實早在得知老媽跟妹要到澳洲時, 葵老大就說了...要我跟老媽的導遊詢問看看 可不可以找一天晚上帶老媽跟妹妹出來, 葵老大想要跟老媽她們吃頓飯.. 當然也要先打聽好他們是愛吃啥, 這樣才可以準備嘛!

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想當然爾, 老爸跟老媽都是高舉反對意見..

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是的, 我們是那種每次時間一到就會去各個公司*找碴*的人..ㄟ也不太算啦..
上個禮拜, 去了一趟校園徵才(我是去充數的)..

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it's not the first time  to think about this question!

Long distance is hard..

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半年報開始後, 意識到下半年開始陸陸續續要接小型公司的主查..

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腮紅可以不擦, 眼影可以不擦..

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Just a car accident…



Today, on the way to the client’s office..


Around 9.15, I was about to get off the bus.. but on my right hand side, there was a motorcycle which is heading to me..


i don’t know whether it’s me or same as everyone..



when the bus or any public transports stop, no matter what kind of cars were near the public transports.. they should all stop .. at least let the pedestrian leave first!!



But today, this guy, he didn’t .. when I asked him “ don’t you ever stop when you see the bus has stopped?” his excuses was oh I was trying to move away from the dead bird.. blah blah……….



Well, I was so angry and upset that time……… I yelled at him, what if today I am not standing here and yell at you, but lying down on the floor………. What will you do ?


Then after that conversation, I was moving to the shop front and checking my leg see if I get injury or anything …………..that guy was running away.. he didn’t stop and come to check if I get hurt or not….



Oh yeah, my leg did get hurt.. I HAVE a beautiful blue colour on my leg now..



Anyway, in the end I went to the police & the hospital…… and made the record as well..



Then, about an hour later, the police office came to hospital with a stranger.. yes that stranger was the one who's car was heading to me and then run away~~~


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