Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

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記得高中時, 很羨慕可以出國唸書的人,總覺得那會是很幸福的一件事,可以出去看看不同的世界, 接觸不同的文化,那是一個多麼美好的事啊!...

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remember couple weeks ago, i wrote a diary about **looking forward to see the youngest member of Stevens' famil**..

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Before entered into the real world, I though the ability is more important to anything!!

Therefore, I believed that if I got ability, I don’t really need to care about things around me..

Cos I hate socialize!!

Why? Don’t I know that socializing is also important in my work?

Of course, I do!!

But sometimes I felt it’s fake!  I don’t like to see myself become like that..

Good in socializing but lack of ability..

Well, another reason is that I am very easy to get angry!!!

I mean maybe I can’t use **very easy** to describe!

I get angry because I can’t understand why ppl doing thing are sooo not efficient!!

I don’t understand why ppl set up the rules or regulations by not to follow up!

I don’t understand why ppl say one thing but do it in another way!!

I don’t understand!!

So I am not happy!!

But some ppl, should I call them are smart or they are good in hiding thei emotions?

I am still learnin to hide my emotions and not showing that on my face. really.. I am trying now… and I found that’s very hard to do it!

Ok, why?

Today, the beautiful Saturday.

I woke up @ 8.00 and got ready by 9.30 leave to the office! Cos we have to get the first consolidated report done..

But guess what?

Cos of we forgot to bring the previous years’ w/p papers back, then we have to wait for the in-charge to come back as he went to the client’s office and got the w/p back..

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人家說, 結婚是需要衝動的..

分手也是需要衝動的吧, 我想..
葵升職了, 得到了他想要的工作, 或是說比他預期的更好… senior executive.再四個禮拜也要搬去雪梨了..我承認, 我是一個會胡思亂想的女生..
葵的升職, 我當然是替他高興..

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去年耶誕節時, 得知葵的弟弟的太太要在今年的夏天產下第三胎..

聽說, 會是個小男生~~

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漸漸的發現, 開始工作後的我, 碎碎唸的功力也逐漸增加了~~

還不止如此, 脾氣也越來越大~~

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